Phishing Attacks through Twitter


<<-- Amount of tweets sent per day

Twitter has a maximum number of character count of 140 character. Besides, twitter are famous with "retweet" and "quote". We are very familiar with the incident of the crash MH17. Shortly after Malaysia Airline reported that it had lost contact with flight MH17 from Amsterdam. A numerous of tweet written in Indonesian language and includes the hashtag #MH17. The tweet went viral by hundreds of users retwetted it and has form a "spam". Through this phishing attack can be perform easily and in large quantity.

 Experts at security firm Trend Micro have detected the tweets URLs contain of malicious domains were mainly used to spread a Zues Variant SALITY malware.

1. Misspixels - Flickr
2. nina_pic -Flickr
3 . Pieter Van Marion - Flickr

by Wong Chee Siong

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