Oversharing lead to unfavourable consequences


Posting photo and video on social network has become a norm of today's life. However, when a child started to use social network such as "Instagram" to post their daily activity. Things might go overhand. The problem is, a anonymous from one of the dark corners of the Internet might stalking your child. This anonymous are known as "Pedophile".

Superintending your child to use internet and digital device is not the main solution. Whereby, parent should increase their awareness toward their child and spent more time with them to guide them. Last but not least, most importantly parent must have knowledge on "child online protection" (PTCOP) to protect their beloved children.

 << WSIS Forum 2013 child protection online in MENA 


  1.  Kyle Mahaney- Flickr
  2. ITU Picture - Flickr
By Wong Chee Siong

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