Say NO to Cyber Bully!


Cyber bully is the most dangerous kind of bullying because it can be happen in anytime and anyplace, it does not require the appearance of victims and hurt the victims with just words. Malaysia is 17th highest country that active in cyber bully. Cyber bully come with different forms, and the most obvious form of cyber bullying that happening in Malaysia is through social media. 


Malaysian used to share victims pictures and information in social platform with strong wording and comments. Beside, many Malaysians are using their our mobile phone to record or taking picture of victims then share it rapidly through social mobile apps which will cause victim feel shame and uncomfortable.


- Kiki, one of the victim of cyber bully in Malaysia. In 2014 July, a video of her who flew into a rage and verbally assaulted the 68-year-old immediately became viral. Some of the facebook user even snap a picture of where she live with their mobile phone and uploaded to social media. Which cause Kiki feel stress and unsecure all the time.

By Gan Jing Hui

Image source from: 1. bad-cyberbully by J_O_I_D via Flickr
                                   2. Kiki Minta Maaf Live di Era via Youtube

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