I Know Where You Are


 Facebook, Instagram, and Swarm, these social media apps are very popular among the youngsters and adults in Malaysia. I'm pretty sure that most of the people have downloaded these apps on their phones. But do they know that these kind of apps are actually putting them on risk? The fact that, these apps can actually track the user's location without their concern.


For example, Swarm has a “Neighborhood Sharing” feature that can automatic track the user's location if they have turned it on even though they don't check-in. Other users can simply view it by tapping the teardrop icon under their profile image. What if the user has turned on the feature but they didn't realise it? It could lead to serious consequences.

By Nickles

Image source from : 1)  Jason Howie via Flickr
                                  2) Bernard Goldbach via Flickr

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