Outdoor Activities Have Been Substituted



During the old times, we used to spent time having fun at the playground and doing many kinds of outdoor activities together. All these places contain a lot of sweet and happy memories.

Until computer and smartphones were invented with thousands of social media and other interesting apps that can be downloaded for free, people are no longer staying on the green field. Youngsters in today's Malaysia society are attracted to social media apps such as Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook, Whatsapp and so on. Now, they are busy taking pictures to post it on instagram, socializing on facebook, chatting with friends via Whatsapp and so on. They are no longer interested to outdoor activities. The tradition of spending time on outdoor activities are becoming lesser and lesser and we can normally experience this kind of situation from people around us.

By Nickles 

Image source from : 1) Matthew Paul Argall via Flickr
                                    2) Pabak Sarkar via Flickr

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